Easy Italian Gnocchi Recipes

Craving a bowl of warm, delicious comfort food on a weeknight? Italian gnocchi is a soft and chewy dumpling that you can pair with various sauces. With our easy gnocchi recipes, you can easily put together a tasty dish.

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All You Need to Know About Italian Gnocchi

What Is Italian Gnocchi?

Gnocchi is a soft, fat and chewy dumpling that you can pair with tomato or butter sauce. It originates from Northern Italy, a region that grows potatoes due to a cold climate that's unsuitable for grains. Before the introduction of potatoes to Europe, gnocchi was made from squash and breadcrumbs.
When potatoes were introduced to Europe, gnocchi ingredients evolved. Gnocchi dough is made of wheat flour or semolina, mashed potatoes and eggs. Recipes call for starchy potatoes, like russets or Yukon Gold, to give the gnocchi a light texture. If you want to make firmer gnocchi, try red-skinned potatoes. The eggs act as a binder, while all-purpose flour absorbs moisture. You can also add other ingredients to gnocchi, including cheese, herbs and vegetables. The dumplings have ridges that make the sauce stick, and they also give gnocchi its signature shape.
How to Make Gnocchi
Cook the potatoes: Add potatoes to a cooking pot and cover them with cold water. Boil them until they're tender before draining the water and letting the potatoes cool down to mash them. Do not add potatoes to hot water since it can shock them and break the skins. Avoid peeling the potatoes before boiling to ensure they don’t absorb too much water.
Make the dough: Get a mixing bowl and start making the dough with flour and salt. Add eggs and the flour mixture to the mashed potatoes, and use your hands to mix the ingredients.
Roll the dough: Flour your work surface and knead the dough until it’s a smooth and sticky ball. Cut the dough into small, thick logs.
Shape the gnocchi: You can boil gnocchi without shaping, or you can create the signature ridges using a fork. Boil water, add your shaped gnocchi, and wait until they rise to the top of the pot.
Tips and Tricks for Great Italian Gnocchi
Use salt: Add salt to the water when cooking potatoes. You should also add salt to the dough to give it the necessary seasoning.
Add ricotta to the dough: Adding ricotta to your gnocchi makes it roll out smoother. Don't worry, as the ricotta will not change the taste.
Freeze or cook the dough right away: Potato gnocchi easily turns grey if the dough sits for too long. You should cook it right away.

What to Pair With Italian Gnocchi

Gnocchi is a crowd-pleaser suitable for any occasion. It is filling and versatile enough to pair with various sauces. For instance, roasted red pepper sauce with gnocchi makes for a beautiful family-friendly bake. Enjoy gnocchi along with tomato sauce or Bolognese sauce. Gnocchi Bolognese is another classic dish, which comes with a scoop of spinach and a delicious taste.
If you want to incorporate Italian gnocchi into soup, consider chicken soup recipes. Add vegetables, herbs and seasoning to the sauces and soups to improve the flavour. A common pair for gnocchi is a tomato-based sauce or rich meat ragu. Italian lamb ragu paired with gnocchi makes for a hearty and flavoursome meal. Ragu lends an Italian flair to the fluffy dumplings with red wine sauce.
Want an indulgent sauce to pair with dumplings? Try the creamy cheese and walnut gnocchi recipe, which pays homage to blue cheese and walnuts. You can also add crispy sage leaves and a grating of nutmeg to fluffy gnocchi. Alternatively, instead of pairing gnocchi with sauces or proteins, you can pair them with vegetables. For instance, spinach gnocchi is often combined with ricotta to make it creamy.

Italian Gnocchi Recipe FAQs

How do you make gnocchi?

To make gnocchi, boil potatoes and mash them before mixing in flour and eggs to make the dough. Roll and shape the dumplings, and boil them until the gnocchi rises up.

What is gnocchi?

Gnocchi is an Italian dumpling made from potatoes, flour and eggs. It’s a versatile dish that pairs with various sauces and soups.

How do you cook gnocchi?

Gnocchi is made by boiling the dough in hot water for about two minutes. When they are ready, you can add butter or olive oil before serving them.

Is gnocchi pasta?

Gnocchi is a type of pasta, even though it’s not made of traditional pasta ingredients. The use of potatoes in the preparation makes them dumplings.

What goes well with gnocchi?

Gnocchi is mainly paired with sauces or soups. Tomato or meat-based sauces like Ragu are the most common pairings for gnocchi.

Is it better to pan fry or boil gnocchi?

You should boil gnocchi in hot water for a few minutes. After boiling, it's best to pan-fry the dumplings with butter or olive oil.
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